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Worship our Triune God

Our worship is traditional, reverential, Scriptural, and sacramental, using the Book of Common Prayer (2019). We celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday.

Should you visit, you will find that folks dress in a variety of styles. Some dress casual; others put on their Sunday best. Wear what you’re comfortable with. When you enter, you will usually be greeted by Fr. Bryan and one other member of the congregation, given the service bulletins, and invited to take a seat as you prepare for worship. Pre-service time is usually accompanied with some instrumental music or simple silence for prayer.


The service itself is divided into two main parts: the Service of the Word and the Service of the Sacrament. During the Service of the Word, we: praise God with hymns and songs; listen to Scripture read from the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and the Gospel; hear God's Word expounded and proclaimed in a sermon, confess our faith with the Nicene Creed, and offer our prayers for the needs of our congregation, the larger church, and the world. During the Service of the Sacrament, we partake of the Eucharist together, the sacrament of participation in the Body and Blood of Christ in the elements of bread and wine. We invite you to participate in our worship service as fully as you are comfortable.


All who are baptized by water in the Triune name (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are welcome to partake of the sacrament, but if you do not wish to receive communion you may still come forward and cross your arms across your chest. Fr. Bryan is happy to give you a blessing instead. After the service, stick around and meet our friendly congregation; and feel free to stay for Sunday school classes if offered.



The sacrament of Holy Baptism is a full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church. The grace conveyed in Baptism is a death to sin and a new birth to righteousness, through union with Christ in his death and resurrection. Baptismal services are typically administered within the full Sunday Eucharistic service; arrangements can be made with Fr. Bryan.


At Confirmation, the Bishop lays his hands upon you with prayer.  The grace conveyed in Confirmation is God's strengthening work of the Holy Spirit for daily increase in Christian life and ministry. Confirmation is available when the Bishop visits each year.


Join Us!

We are a traditional fellowship committed to worship God, serve others, share the gospel, and grow disciples in the transforming love of Jesus Christ.


Sunday Services

10:00 a.m.


Worship Location

3232 S. Willis Ave.

Abilene, TX 79605

© 2024 Holy Cross of Abilene

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